Better communication
Better processes
Better results

Better communication
Better processes
Better results
Will we see each other at these conferences? I'll be there.
- März 2025: Agile Stuttgart und Agile Caste Camp, Neufahrn in Bayern
- Mai 2025: Sketchnote Barcamp Deutschland, Göttingen
- Juni 2025: Agile Coach Camp Germany, Rückersbach
- Juli 2025: International Sketchnote Camp, Birmingham, UK
- August 2025: Lean Agile Europe, München
- März 2026: SXSW, Austin, Texas, USA

A coach for your team
Unclear roles and responsibilities are holding you back?
Your workflows are slowed down by silo thinking and complicated processes?
You are working with agile methods but somehow it doesn’t work that well?
That’s where I come in.
For me, there’s no right or wrong – if it works for you, great.
I’ll work with you in a completely undogmatic way to find out what adjustments we can make.
You are the experts for your context, I am an expert in improving collaboration.
Endless meetings without next steps?
Enforcing Scrum rules?
Not with me!
We’ll tackle your issues with lots of positive energy.
We are productive and are having fun!
Sounds good to you? Then book a call so we can get to know each other.
Hello, I am Marianne
- 10 Jahre praktische Erfahrung in agilen Arbeitsmethoden
- Bachelor of Science Software-Engineering
- Top Skills: analytisch und einfühlsam, strukturiert und kreativ
- Meine Kund:innen sind Mittelstand und Startups in IT und Medizin
- Vorträge auf internationalen Konferenzen seit 2016
- Certified Scrum Professional – ScrumMaster® by Scrum Alliance
- in Arbeit: Associate Certified Coach (ACC) bei der International Coaching Federation (ICF)
Ich habe 4 Katzen, lese immer mindestens fünf Bücher gleichzeitig und zwischen Meetings buddle ich in meinen Pflanzen auf der Terrasse rum. Du triffst mich auf Konferenzen zu Agilität und Visualisierung.

My offer: exactly what you need
Every team and every company is different. Let’s see what your situation is and where you want to go.
Then I reach into my methodology toolbox and we can get started!
- Clarify roles and solve conflicts
- Develop and practice new ways of working
- Improve collaboration
- Map and simplify processes and procedures
- Create goal and strategy pictures
- Graphic Recordings = visual protocols
- Support in change processes
- Open Space or barcamps for your department
- Look back and look to the future